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Who Picked That Hymn?
If some of you were wondering, usually it's the job of the Worship and Music Committee members. We rotate the responsibility and privilege between various pairs of our group. Several different resources are used, but the most useful is called "Sundays and Seasons." This book, which follows the church year, lists the readings (lessons and gospel), prayers, themes, appropriate musical titles, and other relevant information. After reading this and other reference materials, the members select suggested hymns that have not been sung in recent church services. Categories listed in the hymnal (written above the number of the hymn) are also considered. An attempt is made to learn hymns that are new to the congregation, and to include hymns that are very familiar to us. The hope is that the people in the congregation will notice how the text of the hymns coordinates with and supports the readings, prayers, themes, and sermon, unifying the service and making it more meaningful.  Suggestions from the congregation are welcome. Please keep in mind that a lot of time and thought goes into this process. Of course. musical tastes vary as well. There is a wealth of liturgies, service music, and hymns (893!) in the book of Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Let's celebrate our heritage and expand our repertoire as we sing to the glory of God!

Time for Meditation
There have been requests from some congregational members for a quieter time to prepare for our worship services. The ushers have been requested to close the doors to the sanctuary fifteen minutes before the start of worship. Those wishing to converse with others can do so in the narthex. Entering the sanctuary provides time for reflection, perusing the bulletin, or prayer, and an opportunity to listen to the prelude. Please help us in this effort to be mindful of each other.  

Good Stewards Recycle
Good stewards of the earth make a habit of recycling. Trinity encourages members who do not wish to take a bulletin home, to place theirs on the table in the narthex as they exit the sanctuary. Used bulletins from the first service can also be used by those who attend the second service. If you do take them home, please use, share, and recycle them in your town collections. Thanks!
Got Any Feedback?
The Worship and Music Committee welcomes any feedback on worship services that you might wish to give. You can choose the delivery system: a letter mailed to TLC or handed to a committee member, a phone call (consult the TLC Directory), an email (co-chairs of the Worship and Music Committee or or an in-person  
conversation with any committee member (Pastor Fred,  Kevin S., Jesse A., Sheri S., David B., Julie S., Sandy S., Lynn S.,). You could also put a letter in the W & M mailbox in room 101. We will discuss all input during our monthly meetings, usually on the third Tuesday of each month, and get back to you.


Liturgical Images Arts Team
Previously called the decorating subcommittee, could this be your passion? We have already consulted with some talented people, and we could include a few more. Responsibilities would include the following: Approximately four meetings per year for planning visual environments and choosing themes for seasons and festivals, choosing paraments for Christmas, Easter, and more, and creating original visual environments that coincide with the colors and images of the seasons/festivals of the church year. Interested? If so, please inform the Worship and Music Committee, and start thinking creatively "out of the box."  

Calling All Assisting Ministers

Now you've seen it. Want to try it? We are seeking more members who might like to serve as assistant ministers. Included in this service are reading prayers, introducing The Creed, and functioning as communion assistants (Fear not! You will be trained and receive real-time support). We hope to draw more lay persons into leadership, rather than limiting this participation to the pastor and Council members. Interested? Give it some consideration, and if so, please let that be known to Pastor Fred and/or any member of the Worship and Music Committee.  

Who Picked That Hymn?
Time for Meditation
Good Stewards Recycle
Got Any Feedback?
Liturgical Images Arts Team
Calling All Assisting Ministers
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