The Trinity Organ
From the very beginning of Trinity’s history, our congregation’s singing has been led by the sounds of a pipe organ. Congregational records show that our founding members “for a sum of $15 procured a little organ.” In 1927 the congregation saw the need and desire to install a permanent pipe organ. After much planning and saving, an eight-rank M.P. Moller pipe organ - Opus 4962 was installed. That small eight-rank Moller organ served Trinity for nearly 60 years, until the renovation of our sanctuary, when it was replaced with a larger, newer Wicks pipe organ.
The Wicks organ, Opus 1427, was built in 1936 for St. Mary’s Chapel in Hoboken, NJ. In 1975 it was removed and subsequently bought by Maxine and Paul Persson the next year. The Persson family stored the organ until 1986, when they gave it Trinity. The organ was refurbished with funds from by the Persson family and members of the congregation, and in June 1986 it was dedicated at Trinity.
In 2015 we prepared to mark the 80th anniversary of the original Wicks organ. Plans centered around a refurbishment project to address the many complications and repairs the ageing console and organ needed. An Organ Fund was established and the congregation responded and raised nearly one-third of the cost of the refurbishment project. In early 2016, the family of long-time Trinity members Herbert and Gertrude Goddard offered to fund the remaining cost of the organ project with a gift from the Goddard estate. The rosewood organ keyboards were made possible by contributions made to honor the service of interim pastor Rev. Daniel R. Schroeder.
The plaque, quoted below, acknowledges and gives thanks to all who made it possible for the people of Trinity to worship with the glorious sounds of a pipe organ for past 128 years, and for generations to come.
Thanks Be To God!
To the Glory of God
and in Thanksgiving to:
For donating the Wick's Opus 1427 Organ in June 1986
To Members of the Congregation
and to
for contributions to restore the organ – Peragallo Opus 748
and to
Friends and Family of
for the gift of the rosewood keyboards
Tonal Specifications
Two Manual and Pedal Pipe Organ
8-1/2 ranks of pipes with 634 speaking pipes
18-1/2 digitally sampled ranks (wps = Walker pipe sample)
Pedal # of voices Great # of voices
Flute Conique 32’ 32 wps Principal 8’ 61 pipes
Contre Bass 16’ 32 wps Rohr Bourdon 8’ 61 wps
Sub Bass 16’ 32 wps Harmonic Flute 8’ 61 pipes
Bourdon 16’ 12 pipes Spitz Flute Celeste II 122 wps
Octav Bass 8’ 12 wps Dulciana 8’ 61 pipes
Stopped Flute 8’ swell Octave 4’ 12 pipes
Spitz Flute 8’ great Flute Traverso 4’ 12 pipes
Open Flute 4’ great Octavin 2’ 61 wps
Contre Fagotta 32’ 12 wps Fourniture IV 244 wps
Trombone 16’ 32 wps Harmonic Trumpet 8’ 61 pipes
Contre Fagotta 16’ swell Clarinet 8’ 61 wps
Harmonic Trumpet 8’ great Tremblant
Clarinet 4’ great Chimes 37 wps
Great to Pedal 8’ Great to Great 4’
Swell to Pedal 8’ Swell to Great 8’
Swell to Pedal 4’ Swell to Great 4’
Swell Combination System
Singen Diapason 8’ composite Pistons
Stopped Gedeckt 8’ 61 pipes 1 - 10 General thumb and toe
Salicional 8’ 61 pipes General Cancel thumb
Voix Celeste 8’ 49 pipes 1 - 4 Swell thumb
Prestant 4’ 61 pipes 1 - 4 Great thumb
Nachthorn 4’ 61 wps 1 - 3 Pedal toe
Nasat 2-2/3’ 61 wps
Block Flute 2’ 12 wps Reversibles
Tierce 1-3/5’ 61 wps Great to Pedal thumb and toe
Plein Jeu IV 244 wps Sforzando thumb and toe
Contra Fagotta 16’ 61 wps Setter thumb
Trompette 8’ 61 wps Next thumb and toe
French Horn 8’ 61 pipes Previous thumb
Oboe 8’ 61 pipes
Clarion 4’ 12 wps
Swell to Swell 16’
Swell to Swell 4’